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Bring Kenzie to your city!


Kenzie is a seasoned instructor known for delivering dynamic, energetic and inspiring classes that leave students of all levels feeling invigorated and inspired.


With years of dedicated study and an unwavering commitment to personal growth, Kenzie is a perpetual student of the art of belly dance. Her journey has been marked by a deep passion for this mesmerizing form of expression, and she brings this enthusiasm to every class that she leads.

What to Expect

Generally speaking, here is what you can expect in many of Kenzie's classes:


An invigorating, energetic warmup. A workshop's warmup sets the tone for the entire workshop, and we're going to start off with great music, and a follow-the-leader style full-bodied warmup.


Technique. Always technique. No matter how advanced you get, you are never too advanced to work on technique. I believe that technique is freeing. In this dance, our ability to express the intricacies of the music and our ability to emote is key. Having a good foundation will open up the possibilities for you.


Imagery. Imagery is such a useful tool in dance, and I am its #1 fan.


A long AF combo. I promise that you'll be amazed that you learned all of that! We'll continue working on technique & also focus on the details in the combination. 


Cool down to a banger, and clapping at the end. Your back will feel so good after this. Then, you'll clap for yourself and I'll clap for you - you did it!


Workshop Topics

Below you will find a Kenzie's current workshop offerings:


​Technique Workshops

These workshops include technique, range of movement exercises, and long combos that put the concepts we've explored into context.


Focus on the Feet

Our feet are the foundation of everything in dance and in life! Juicy hips, clean footwork, amazing shimmies... our connection to the floor is vital for all of these things and more! In this workshop, we will explore foot strength, pliability, and harnessing power in our dance from the ground up.​


Modern Dance for Belly Dancers

While training in western dance forms is by no means a requirement for belly dancers, exploring modern dance concepts is a wonderful way to find new approaches to your dance! Kenzie will lead dancers through a series of modern dance exercises and we'll explore how we can apply them to our dance with a contemporary fusion combo.


Ebb & Flow

It's not about what you're doing, it's about how you're doing it. In this workshop, we will work on movement intention, movement quality, and seamless transitions through technique work and combinations.​


Old is Gold - Vintage Combos

Join Kenzie for a workshop that's focused on vintage styling! We'll learn combinations inspired by some of the belly dance world's favorite Golden Era and vintage stars.


I <3 Samai

My heart beats in 10/8! Join Kenzie for combinations to the gorgeous Samai rhythm. Lose yourself in the dreamy beauty of Kenzie's favorite rhythm!


Expressive Hips

Hip work is central to the essence of this dance. Kenzie will lead you through some of her favorite technique and range of motion exercises that will help you to create a solid foundation for amazing, heavy, earthy hip work from the ground up. We'll put these concepts together into a long combination!


Hands, Arms & Upper Body

Let's use hands, arms, and angles to create interesting and captivating lines to compliment our dance! Kenzie will lead you through some of her favorite drills and quality of movement exercises and we'll put the concepts we've explored into a long combination.



Choreography Workshops

These workshops include a full choreography. Choreography is like trying on someone else's pants and there is so much that students of all levels can get out of choreography workshops, even if they never intend to perform it!


Magical Mejance

Learn a delightful mejance choreography Kenzie-style! We will explore the different textures and rhythms of a beautiful & exciting piece of entrance music. You will amaze yourself as you piece together an entire choreography that you can take home with you!


Romantic Pop Choreography

Emotion in motion! Let's get mushy gushy to a romantic pop song. We'll learn a choreography and explore expressing emotion while dancing.

Custom topics: please reach out to Kenzie to discuss special requests for your event!


Old is Gold - Golden Era-Inspired Choreography

We'll learn a choreography with movement inspired by some of the stars of the Golden Era, and make it uniquely ours by adding tidbits of our own golden era movie star personalities.


Classic Choreography

Who doesn't love a little Oum K or Abdel Halim? Kenzie will teach a choreography to a classic Egyptian song. Song requests are welcome for this selection!


Short & Sweet Drum Solo

It is always so fun to see how other dancers hear a tabla solo. Learn a short, sweet drum solo choreography perfect for tacking onto the end of a set!




Special workshop requests are always welcome! Reach out with your ideas and requests any time!

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